Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Power of Quranic Attraction

Today I would like to touch on the speciality of the Quranic Attraction. Maybe most of us have heard of the The Law of Attraction. Maybe some of you have read the book “The Secret” written by Rhonda Byrne. What is stated in the book is that thoughts create things by using the power of the Universe.

From the perspective of Islam is that our creator Allah is the one who granted our needs. We as Muslim most not misinterpret by the book. All the things that are given to us are by the will of Allah. Take an example; He gave us the sickness to give us the chance to remember Him. Again and again He stated in the Quran that there is a cure for every sickness. All we have to do is to believe in Him and pray to Him again and again. There is a verse in the quran that states as below;

But lo! with hardship goeth ease, (94:4) Lo! with hardship goeth ease;(94:5)

Every hardship there is always a good return from Allah. Patience is the most important element in making the thing happens. If you put the patience energy high, InsyaAllah Allah will grant your needs. That is how we should think of the secret in the Quran. It is stated that if the ocean is the ink and the trees are the pen, it will never be enough to write down all the knowledge from Allah.
The formula of the Secret of the Quranic Attraction is;

Believe (Allah) + Doa (Quranic Verse) + Patience (Tawakal) = Results (Output)

I hope this give a good insight of what is the secret of the Quranic Attraction. We must never give up with the test given to us. There shall be a good return to those who is patient with Allah’s test.

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